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stay active

if there is one thing that will almost definitly keep you from getting kicked is stayiing active.I will understand if you stop playing for a few days for some reason or other. but if you cosistantly are never logged in for long periods of time i will kick you to make room for some active members.

stay nice

Now if you want to join and stay in the guild you cant be a jerk. now I dont care about competative banter in the arena or something. but if i hear you are being openly rude to other guild members or just everyone in general I will remove. you i cannot be associated with Jerks. But then again i do not expect everyone in my guild being saints and stuff. just as long as you arent a jerk then you are okay as far as behavior goes.

About our guild

We at the mageknights are good people and we (especialy the leader talondrake) will try to help you with any problems you might have and will hope you will cooperate in the events and other activities to the best of your effort so if you participate you will have a fun time here at the guild.

If you have any questions contact me at

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